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Electrical Lineman's Schools
The Colby Haithcock Memorial Scholarship was set up to provide a $500 scholarship to 4 annual classes at Forsyth technical College's Electrical Lineman School.
To date, we have awarded 20 scholarships at FTCC and have issued the coming year's check to FTCC for the next 4 awards.
We have partnered with Cape Fear Community College's Electrical Lineman program to also do 4 scholarships for their program. We began our first class there in October 2020 and have given out 16 scholarships at CFCC.
Last year (2022) we began awarding scholarships at Brunswick Community College's new Electrical Lineman Program. We have presented 3 checks there to date.
Colby dreamed of joining his dad high up a pole providing electricity to the customers of the Randolph Electric Company Territory.
While Colby never got to realize that dream, the scholarship will help others achieve the dream.
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